Instrumentation & Measurement

Predictive Maintenance
Instrumentation and measurement are currently the markets with the greatest potential for the future. The concept of predictive maintenance is what drives this area, since, as one of the core requirements of industry 4.0, it takes a proactive approach to machine maintenance to keep downtime as low as possible. This method provides for the collection of process-relevant measurement data.
A good example for this is a paper machine, whose high rotational speed puts a particularly high stress on materials. For efficiency and cost reduction reasons, efforts are being made to optimise maintenance, since the lower the downtime, the shorter the amortisation period for the investment in the machinery.
Our Competence in Instrumentation & Measurement
High rotational speeds can lead to high temperatures and vibrations. These are measured electronically, and an algorithm is used to determine the ideal maintenance cycle. By measuring the frequency of the vibration, it is possible to isolate certain assemblies. For instance, a shunt resistor can be used to detect higher-than-usual power consumption, indicating a defect or bearing failure. To ensure a complete assessment of a machine's state, CODICO's portfolio also includes temperature sensors.
The data collected can be evaluated using a cable-transmitted log or via BLE modules, available for a peer-to-peer or mesh topology. Since wireless applications are becoming increasingly popular in industrial applications, a team of experts at CODICO is there to support you with each wireless technology, and to answer all your questions before, during, and after the implementation of your design.