Chip Inductors

Different chip inductors on white underground.

Chip Inductors as HF Components

Chip inductors are used as RF components especially in signal processing and frequency-determining circuits, but they are also used in power circuits. In RF applications, both miniaturization and precision of the components used are required - including chip inductors.

Depending on the requirements and application, a choice can be made between multilayer and wire-wound chip inductors.

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Manufacturers & Contacts

The EATON company logo.


EATON Electronics is a part of the multinational EATON corporation. The whole corporation develops and produces components and systems for a wide range of markets, while the EATON Electronics Division is specialized in electronic components.

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Sebastian Gebhart +43 186 305-205 E-MAIL


SAGAMI Elec is one of the leading Japanese manufacturers of special winding components. Among other things, SAGAMI focuses on niche applications and offers products for the high-end sector. The power chokes for LPF in Class-D amplifier applications in the automotive and consumer sector are SAGAMI's flagship products. Furthermore, the specialization also includes inductors with increased DC dielectric strength up to 600V, for e.g. non-isolated HV-Buck applications.

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Sebastian Gebhart +43 186 305-205 E-MAIL
The SUMIDA company logo.


SUMIDA is one of the leading manufacturers of inductive components and flexible connection technologies. The product portfolio includes individual products, ready-made solutions for the automotive, electrical, and electronics industries. SUMIDA develops, produces and markets inductive components, flexible connection technologies, modules, component groups and complete systems.

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