Thermal Interface Sheets

Thermal interface sheets on a blue and red background.

Dimensioned for Specific Applications

In electric devices specific components are partly generating big heat. This high temperatures can have big influence on the life time and characteristics of those and also surrounding components, and so also on the whole device.

The product portfolio of PANASONIC provides different thermal interface sheets, which are dimensioned for specific applications. „PGS“ (Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet) is characterized with an especially good heat dissipation in X-/Y-direction. This foil is available in various thicknesses and sizes and can also be cut to customer specific designs.

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Soft-PGS for Use in IGBT Modules

“Soft-PGS” is a pyrolytic graphite sheet, which is as thermal interface material especially tailored for a usage at IGBT modules. Due to the high compressibility this foil is an excellent method for dramatically reducing thermal resistance between a heat sink and an IGBT. It is easy to handle and install, so Soft-PGS causes far lower labour and installation costs than thermal grease or phase change material. Panasonic offers a wide range of standard sheets for different IGBT-modules from various suppliers.

Manufacturers & Contacts

The PANASONIC company logo.


PANASONIC is a big Japanese manufacturer with different business areas like automotive with multi-media products, Manufacturing with electronic components mounting systems or industrial robots and finally the Industrial Business Group with electronic components. CODICO's main focus is on thermal interface sheets, polymer and hybrid capacitors, metal alloy inductors, precision and measurement resistors, switches and encoder. But we also offer active components such as pressure sensors, infrared sensors and dust sensors.

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