Motors & Controls

With High-Quality Standards
The number of applications for miniature DC and stepper motor products is countless, ranging from high-precision positioning systems for industrial use to demanding medical applications such as blood and infusion pumps.
High-quality standards are a basic requirement and are consistently implemented from the very beginning of every new product development. CODICO understands the needs of those customers who want to technologically improve the functionality and performance of their own equipment with customized engine products. Markets and applications with a high product mix and small to medium volumes can be served perfectly.
We offer a wide range of options, including cable and connector assemblies, adapted windings to increase the torque, gear integration and different step angles depending on the motor series. CODICO supports you in the development of innovative technologies to make future product generations even more reliable, efficient and small.
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NIDEC NIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR COOPERATION, a member of the NIDEC group from Japan, is a technology-driven company. The manufacturer is considered a pioneer in the development of small sized precision motors. Today's product highlights include hybrid stepping motors and customized fans.
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