Test & Burn-In Sockets

For Contacting Semiconductors
CODICO's product range focuses on various components for contacting semiconductors and their various package types, from manual and automatic testing to complex and highly integrated test solutions. The contacting of semiconductors includes sockets for components in through-hole technology (SIP, DIP, ZIP and PGA) and for surface-mountable components such as SOJ, PLCC, (x)QFP, (x)SO, LCC, QFN and LGA with a pitch of 0.4mm to 2.54mm.
Plug-in sockets, which serve as an additional adapter between the PCB and the burn-in socket in order to be able to remove and replace it easily, complete the portfolio. For special IC form factors or special electrical/thermal requirements, CODICO also offers modular or customised contacting systems.
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YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS was founded in 1956 in Tokyo. 1991 the company got main shareholder of Connector Service GmbH, which was rebranded to YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS Germany GmbH in 1993. Since then both firms are working in tight cooperation, which enables them to use both manufacturing plants and development centres in Asia and Germany.
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