RUBYCON’s Game Changer HPB Series

New High-Voltage PMLCAP with Many Advantages
RUBYCON presents a new high-voltage PMLCAP. The HBP series replaces DC-link film capacitors, is up to 45% smaller and offers many advantages such as higher heat resistance, miniaturisation and no short circuit risk. Specifications include 500V-900V and 5µF-25µF, used as DC link capacitors in applications such as motor drive compressors, OBCs and DC/DC converters.
- PMLCAP stands for Polymer Multi-Layer CAPacitor
- No piezoelectric effect causing noise
- No DC bias derating
- Stable capacitance in wide temperature range
- No risk of short circuit, smoke or fire
- Used in high-end audio applications as a replacement for MLCCs
- Can be used as a snubber capacitor to replace film capacitors in a smaller format
- Over 300 million units have been shipped into the market.
- Widely used, including in the automotive industry and even in NASA's Mars lander "InSight".
The HPB series offers two major advantages compared to film capacitors:
- Higher heat resistance, i.e. the ability to withstand 125°C and more.
- Miniaturisation, reaching almost half the volume of film capacitors on the market
This table shows the specification lineup that is currently considered.
SPECIFICATIONSFor a 900V product with 20µF, even with a voltage gradient of 250V/µm, the HPB series can reduce the component volume by up to 30% compared to today's standard 125°C film capacitors (Volume 56.7cm³ --> 40.1cm³).
RUBYCON continues to focus on increasing the voltage gradient. The next goal is to reach 300V/µm. This would mean that the volume can be reduced by up to 45% in the case of a 900V product with 20µF (Volume 56.7cm³ --> 31.5cm³). Despite this miniaturisation advantage, the HPB series can easily withstand 125°C.
Series samples of the HPB series are expected to be available from autumn 2023. With this HPB series, RUBYCON offers a reliable solution for high-voltage applications that enables smaller, heat-resistant components without compromising performance. This advancement is in line with the increasing demand for more functional components in the evolving automotive market and beyond.

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For more information, please contact Yasunobu Ikuno.